You’ve probably heard of Alexander McCall Smith’s The N° 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency before: I myself saw it on Goodreads, classified by friends as “read” or “to read”. The book cover seemed very familiar and I eventually realised that I had seen the book – and others from the series – on a bookshelf in our house in Mauritius or maybe at my aunt Wendy’s in the UK. I wrote to my mom and aunt for more information and I received the first book of the series in my post box just a few days later! Wendy, thanks again for making this article possible ;)
On a recent trip to Paris, my brother Marc lent me First Bite by Bee Wilson, a book he had just finished reading and thought I would enjoy. Although I am a big reader of food blogs, I am not used to reading actual books about food, so this read was a leap of faith! I was quite right to give it a go, as since I have finished the book I have been recommending it to everyone I know!
The Garden Party was frequently mentioned at uni – from what I can tell Katherine Mansfield is kind of unavoidable when you study British literature and translation (much to my delight). While I had tackled various translations of her beautiful prose before, I had never actually sat down and read one of her books from start to finish. But that was then, and this is now! I can now tell you all about her final masterpiece.
When I published my review of Commencement way back in October, I said that I was looking forward to reading more of J. Courtney Sullivan’s work. And yet, five months went by before I picked up another one of her books! I actually finished Maine a month ago but life got in the way of me writing this article sooner.
I first heard of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy several years ago and it is such a well-known book I’m surprised I didn’t read it earlier! It had been on my Goodreads To-read list forever and after seeing a few amusing quotes here and there on the Internet, I bit the bullet last month. Here’s what I thought!
Bad Feminist is a selection of feminist essays that were written by Roxane Gay and published in 2014. I finished reading them about a month ago and I have been looking forward to telling you what I thought ever since! But first, the description:
I first heard of I Will Always Write Back on one of my favourite cooking blogs: Dinner, a Love Story. I read it at the end of January, most probably attracting attention on the metro as I gasped, smiled and despaired in the general direction of my Kindle. Here’s what I thought!