This is not the first, the second or even the third baby bib I have talked about here! This is the FOURTH bib I have embroidered in the past year and it’s one of my favourites.
I have made yet another hand embroidered bib! After this classic design and this pastel one, I wanted something that felt more modern, and I am very happy with how this one turned out. You’ll never guess where I found my inspiration for this rainbow zigzag design!
This is the second baby bib I’ve embroidered in only six months! Now, I don’t want you to start thinking that it’s a little weird of me to start collecting baby bibs in my one-room student apartment (along with layettes and baby bottles and whatever else people hoard when expecting a baby). I made this for a brand-new sweet-cheeked little baby who was born last month! I am really looking forward to meeting the little thing and this will be my welcome-to-the-world gift.